Astro Football / Hockey Pitches
Astro Pitches for Hire
Full Details & BookingThe Academy is lucky to have a sports halls that is suitable for various sport and leisure activities.
The room is fitted with state of the art LED lighting. Viewing balcony from first floor gives ideal spectator vantage point. Specating also possible from ground level through viewing windows.
Prefer to hire outdoor? view our other areas outdoor spaces too.
Dimensions: L 23m x W 13.92m H 6.10m)
(note - ceiling beams reduce height slightly in places)
Capacity: up to ......
Suitable Uses: 5 a side football, Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Short Tennis, Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Exercise Classes
Equipment available to use: 5 a side Football Goals, Basketball Hoops (full court end to end, inclusive of x4 side hoops), Netball Post and Bases, Badminton, Short Tennis, Table Tennis, Benches, Chairs and Tables, Benches, White Board, Power Sockets
Restrictions: Head Height Rule for Football
Note this room benefits from being adjointed with double doors to the 'Boys' Gymnasium. This provides an excellent additional space to having both rooms associated with your hire needs. As for further details for using both rooms
Sports Hall
First floor spectator area to Sports Hall
Childrens Parties